Monday, July 13, 2009

What is your spa type?

I came across a website last night and I found this very interesting article written by Jacquetta Szathmari. She's the Editor in Chief of InnerRewards. According to her, knowing your spa type will help you choose spas that are a good fit.

She listed 7 categories of spa types: Eco-chic, Zen, Luxe Glam, Medi Spa, Victorian Elegance, Total Immersion and Minimalist. After reading through the article, I concluded that my spa type is Zen + Eco-chic!

If you are interested to find out your spa type, you can visit the Link . :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

At last!

Remember my little cactus that has a flower bud? It had finally bloomed 4 days ago! I was a little too busy to upload the photographs. But they are here now. Enjoy!

Friday, July 3, 2009

My 3 little plants

I just got back from Ikea. Even after so many visits, a trip there has always been exciting for me. There are so many things I that I would like to buy and bring home. Thus, I always end up buying items that are not on my shopping list.

These are the 3 cute plants that I bought.

This pot contains 2 plants. They reminded me of a pair of 'twins'. Once they are slightly bigger, I shall plant them in 2 separate pots.

This plant looks pretty unique and has thick and spongy leaves.

The last one was a rare find. It was the only one left and was hidden in the corner. I was thrilled when I spotted it! It actually has a flower bud!

I have yet to see a cactus that flower when it is so young. Maybe today is my lucky day. I cannot wait to see the flower bloom. :)

I do not think I have green fingers because the two plants that I had previously did not survive. Hopefully, these 3 are going to be tough little survivors.